Thursday, June 8, 2023

Book Review: STAY SALT


As a young Christian, Pippert’s book OUT OF THE SALTSHAKER challenged me to reach my generation for Christ. STAY SALT: THE WORLD HAS CHANGED, OUR MESSAGE MUST NOT updates that book for a new generation facing a culture much less Christianity-friendly than my generation had been.

Pippert helps us recognize our excuses for sharing our faith and challenges us to rely on God rather than our own competence. She offers an overview of creation and the fall to help us answer people’s questions about why things are as they are in today’s world. I especially appreciated learning the questions she asks to help people question their own skepticism about faith.

Along the way, Pippert offers books to provide further insight. I loved the stories of her personal experiences of casually engaging people in conversations about faith. The need to reach others is urgent. She quoted Nigerian pastors telling her: “We beg you, do not compromise your faith, when we in Africa are dying for ours.”

In this book Pippert shares how we can present the good news of Jesus through what she’s gained through two decades of church ministry across American, an international ministry around the world and seven years of ministry in Europe.

The book ends with guidelines for leaders interested in training Christians to share their faith. I recommend it for all Christians who want to invite people into God’s fold—and isn’t that all of us?

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