Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Book Review: Once Upon a Wardrobe



          I had a hard time putting this book down. I loved Patti Callahan’s storytelling writing style. She weaves a story about British writer and scholar C. S. Lewis within a story about a young woman called Meg and her little brother George. The boy, an invalid, read Lewis’ book titled THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE, and begged Meg, a student at Oxford where Lewis taught, to find out where Narnia came from.

          A fan of C. S. Lewis’s writings, I found Callahan’s imagination and skill with writing to be fascinating. Although it’s a novel, this book offers a glimpse into the British lifestyle of an earlier day and portrays Lewis as a warm personable tutor and friend.

          I’m looking forward to reading another of Callahan’s books about a divorced woman who came to know Lewis through letter writing and eventually married him: BECOMING MRS. LEWIS. Callahan’s writing style is unique and entertaining and pulls you right along with the story.

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