Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Book Review: Decoding Greatness


A fascinating read. The book applies to business but includes illustrations that inspire writers and speakers and could even be applied to personal life. The author explains how to examine (decode) something you admire—whether it’s a writing, a speaker or something that has brought someone success in any field. Then he explains how to dissect their approach to understand what makes it tick. However, you don’t just “copy” the elements; you insert your own style/behavior/etc.

The subtitle explains the content: How the Best in the World Reverse Engineer Success. Chapters deal with topics such as visualization and talking to experts to better appreciate their approach.

 I especially loved the stories. The can-you-top-this competition of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. The transformation of Barach Obama’s speaking style. The song-writing of Roy Orbison. The journey of artist Vincent van Gogh. Even the careful study and planning of a master bank robber.

 Here’s an interesting nugget: When groups of students were scored after one group read material that was clearly printed and another group read material that was blurred or faint, the latter had better recall. Evidently difficulty in reading helps knowledge stick. Who knew? And that’s just one example from the book.

 Published in 2021 by Simon & Schuster, the book is quite readable and very informative. I highly recommend it for anyone seeking to better themselves in any area of their lives.


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