Monday, March 8, 2021

Book Review - Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts


According to author Jennie Allen, who references an article in Psychology Today, 70 percent of our thoughts are negative. But we have a choice to make when it comes to what we think about.

The origin of toxic, negative thoughts stems from lies we believe about ourselves, and the three lies that most impact us are that we are helpless, worthless or unlovable. Actually, such thoughts are anchored in what we believe about God.

How we think molds our lives, so pray to see things as they really are. According to the author, we need the support of others and we need to be unafraid of life’s circumstances. The enemy may taunt us with “what if’s,” but we can defeat that thought by reminding ourselves God loves us and is for us. The key is to think more on God and less on ourselves.

The author advises that rather than distract yourself with busyness when thinking negatively, be still and concentrate on what you know about God. When you have cynical thoughts, delight in God and His world.

According to Allen, every thought changes our minds. As we choose positive thinking over negative, we gain victory and strength so that negative thinking has less of a hold on us.

This book offers helpful suggestions on how to see the glass as half full rather than half empty. Jennie Allen is founder of IF:Gathering, an organization that fosters discipleship. Her book was published by Waterbrook in 2020.


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