Monday, June 17, 2019

Book Review: The Book of Signs

If you have trouble understanding prophecy, The Book of Signs: 31 Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse is the book to read. Dr. David Jeremiah has the gift of making complex issues crystal clear. In his book, he discusses how biblical references pointing to the Apocalypse are playing out in the world today.

The book opens with a look at current events as they are unfolding in Israel, Europe, Russia, Babylon and America. I particularly like the way Jeremiah introduces each chapter throughout the book with a relevant example. For instance, he describes how Vladimir Putlin seized possession of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine as an introduction to events in Russia.

Jeremiah then goes on to write about cultural signs we see around us with chapters such as materialism, immorality, radical Islam and apathy. He offers eye-opening statistics. Did you know 255 Christian are killed each month in our modern world?

Throughout the book, he tucks appropriate and interesting quotes. For instance in a chapter on heaven’s rewards, he includes a quote by M. R. Kopmeyer that includes a quote by Elbert Hubbard: “Self-discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.” I like that definition. Here's another by John Ortburg: "God isn't at work producing the circumstances I want. God is at work in bad circumstances to produce the me he wants."

Besides international and cultural signs, Jeremiah writes about heavenly signs, tribulation signs and end signs, which include Christ’s return, the Millenium, the great white throne judgment, the new heaven and new earth and the holy city. He clarifies how these events will occur at the end of the age, leaving the reader with a clear picture of what will happen when.

Chapters are short and easy to read. Notes and an index complete this book, which should be a must-read for every Christian. Jeremiah’s ministry, Turning Point, also offers study guides, a DVD series of his sermons on these signs, a set of audio recordings and other resources on this topic.

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