We walk
into the present dragging our past behind us. And the shame we’ve experienced
in the past weighs us down and prevents us from enjoying life. Author Curt
Thompson is a psychiatrist who peppers his writing with stories of patients
wounded by shame.
to Thompson, shame often enters our lives through criticism from a parent, a
coach or unkind remarks from a peer. As feelings of shame develop, they disrupt
the way the mind works. And as we dwell on the shame, patterns of thinking
become entrenched. We remember emotional events, and the more we do, the more
we become what we remember—shame-filled.
biblical narrative, Thompson explores shame beginning with Adam and Eve, who in
original creation were naked and not ashamed. But then sin entered the world
and disrupted paradise.
As humans,
we tend to bury painful memories and that exacerbates the problem. Thompson
quotes C. S. Lewis as saying: “I sometimes think that shame . . . does as much
toward preventing good acts and . . . happiness as any of our vices do.”
hiding is a natural response to shame, Thompson urges vulnerability and
openness in sharing with a trusted confidant. We need to be reminded to listen
to God’s voice, telling us we are loved and He is pleased with us, rather than a
voice from the past that has insulted our humanity. The support of community is
important in overcoming shame, reminding you of who you are.
looks at how environments might contribute to feelings of shame. For instance,
we may hide our feelings in the family of God for fear of being shamed, not
feeling good enough. Educational endeavors may lead to feelings of shame if
learners are praised only for outcome rather than for effort.
This is a
thoughtful read, published in 2015 by IVP Press I would have liked more about how to combat feelings of shame,
but Thompson leaves it in generalities. The book includes discussion questions,
so it would be a great study for small groups. He also includes notes and a
I liked the
way he wove real-life stories into the chapters. They add color and break up the
scholarly tone of the book. A good read.